# img

Corporate Sponorship

Smoky Hill Baseball Program
Attn: Korey Askew / Advertising
P.O. Box 461786
Aurora, CO 80046

PLEASE NOTE: A Camera Ready Ad must be provided or an additional charge of $50.00 is assessed.

Registrant Information

Artwork Creation
Program Ads

Web Ads

Your request has been received. By checking the box, you are accepting the terms of the agreement. The contract will be seen as binding upon payment only. Ads will not run nor print until payment is made. Smoky Hill Baseball Program does not guaranty your ad placement until the terms of the agreement are agreed upon, and paid for.

Your ad spot will not be held until payment is received in full.

Credit Card and eCheck payments can be made by clicking the button on the registration confirmation page.

Physical checks should be made payable and sent to:

Smoky Hill Baseball Program
Attn: Korey Askew / Advertising
P.O. Box 461786
Aurora, CO 80046

ARTWORK: All artwork should be emailed to Media@SmokyHillBaseball.com
If the file is too big to send via email please call Korey Askew (303) 502-4826